AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-04-02Setup keymap of nnn and tig in vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-02Use minpac to maintain package in vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-02Setup floaterm keymind in vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-02Update plugin config location in vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-02Ignore vim undoGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-02set exrc in vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-02Set undofile in vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-04-01Update key binds of vimGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-30Disable vim error bellsGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-30Fix java pathGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Disable auto hover (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Setup global gitignoreGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Ignore .cache folder in fzfGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Set ale linters (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Remove tagbar (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Refactor airline config (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Use ale to show diagnostic (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Update the config of airlineGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Update the config of ycm (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Bind easymotion in fzfGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-27Add tagbar into vim packagesGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-26Update the config of zGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-26Clean unused vim configGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-26Load theme in vimrcGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-26Improve easymotion keybinds (vim)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-26Update vim-easymotion configGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-26Update fzf configGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-23Enable evil in image mode (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-22Update ec (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-22Disable org alert by default (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-22More keymap in evil mode (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-22Install racket-mode in emacsGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-21Add shortcuts of org roam (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-21Use the same window in ec (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-21Wrap lines in vim diffGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Use projectile as root function (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Set lang for emacsclientGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Use emacsclient in i3wmGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Remove magit function (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Update custom related config (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Improve emacsclientGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Update theme on emacsGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Set aliases for emacsclientGuangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Use C-r in insert mode (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Improve completion config (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Separate completion config (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Use orderless-flex (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Use corfu in ledger mode (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Clean up deprecated statements (emacs)Guangxiong Lin
2022-03-20Improve eglot (emacs)Guangxiong Lin