function rvm -d 'Ruby enVironment Manager' # run RVM and capture the resulting environment set -l env_file (mktemp -t bash -c '[ -e ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm ] && source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm || \ source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm; rvm "$@"; status=$?; \ env > "$0"; exit $status' $env_file $argv # grep the rvm_* *PATH RUBY_* GEM_* variables from the captured environment # exclude lines with _clr and _debug # apply rvm_* *PATH RUBY_* GEM_* variables from the captured environment and grep '^rvm\|^[^=]*PATH\|^RUBY_\|^GEM_' $env_file | \ grep -v _clr | grep -v _debug | \ sed '/^PATH/y/:/ /; s/^/set -xg /; s/=/ /; s/$/ ;/; s/(//; s/)//' | \ source # clean up rm -f $env_file end