if has('nvim') | finish | endif let g:stargate_name = 'Master' packadd vim9-stargate " search two characters noremap f call stargate#OKvim(2) " start of a word noremap w call stargate#OKvim('\<') " for the end of a word noremap e call stargate#OKvim('\S\>') " for the start of a line noremap l call stargate#OKvim('\_^') " for the last character on the line noremap E call stargate#OKvim('\S\s*$') " for the end of a line noremap $ call stargate#OKvim('$') " for any bracket, parentheses or curly bracket noremap [ call stargate#OKvim('[(){}[\]]') " switch window nnoremap W call stargate#Galaxy()