Dotfiles of gx. Don't use it unless you're gx. ## Vim Packages included is listed below. Motion: - [vim9-stargate]( modern alternative to easymotion. - [vim-sneak]( Jump to any location with two characters. It should be `opt`. Otherwise the config in `after` folder would not work. - [hop.nvim]( modern alternative to easymotion in neovim. Navigation: - symbols-outline.nvim: alternative to tagbar in neovim. - cscope_maps.nvim: as neovim deprecated cscope in neovim 0.9, this plugin is required to use the cscope features. - nvim-lspconfig Languages specfic: - [vim-javascript]( Improve javascript syntax highlight. - [vim-terraform]( Improve terraform syntax highlight. Editing: - [nvim-cmp]( Code completion in neovim. Related completion sources: - cmp-buffer - cmp-cmdline - cmp-nvim-lsp - cmp-nvim-ultisnips (kind of buggy) - cmp-omni - cmp-path - lsp_signature.nvim Interface: - [diffview.nvim]( Help to diff file changes. Misc: - [vim-highlightedyank]( highlight yanked text. - nvim-treesitter Good but not included yet: - [emmet-vim]( help edit html. - [quickr-preview.vim]( to preview the result in quickfix. - [neomake]( asynchronous linting and make framework. - [vim-autoformat]( - [any-jump.vim]( use popup window to preview the definition and usage. - [vim-signature]( show marks. - [context.vim]( automatically folding when reading long code. It is very cool, but the folding sometimes is not correct. (2023-12-04) Good but not suitable for me: - [vim-cool]( improve hlsearch. - [vim-grammarous]( use LanguageTool to check grammar. But I found that ALE support languagetool too. - [quick-scope]( show hints for `f` and `F`. I found it kind of distractful.