Dotfiles of gx. Don't use it unless you're gx. ## Vim Packages included is listed below. Coding: - [vim9-stargate]( modern alternative to easymotion. Languages specfic: - [vim-javascript]( Improve javascript syntax highlight. - [vim-terraform]( Improve terraform syntax highlight. Writing: - [vim-grammarous]( use LanguageTool to check grammar. Misc: - [vim-cool]( improve hlsearch. - [context.vim]( automatically folding when reading long code. - [vim-highlightedyank]( highlight yanked text. Good but not included yet: - [emmet-vim]( help edit html. - [quickr-preview.vim]( to preview the result in quickfix. - [neomake]( asynchronous linting and make framework. - [vim-autoformat]( - [quick-scope]( improve f,F. - [any-jump.vim]( use popup window to preview the definition and usage. - [vim-signature]( show marks.