# Manjaro Startup Notes Update software: `sudo pacman -Syu` #TODO: What is it different from `sudo pacman -Syyu` Install some useful software: ```bash sudo pacman -S yay yay -S google-chrome ``` ## Natural Scrolling Open the `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf` file, then add the natural scrolling option: ``` Section "InputClass" ... Option "Natural Scrolling" "true" ... EndSection ``` ## (China Specific) Install Proxy Use the command `sudo pacman -S ss-qt5`. In I3WM, it is difficult to set global proxy. It would be better to use SwitchyOmega in Chrome. First use `google-chrome-stable --proxy-server=""` to launch chrome and download SwitchyOmega then use chrome as usual. ## (China Specific) Install input sources Install fcitx first: `sudo pacman -S fcitx-im fcitx-configtool fcitx-googlepinyin`. Then add the following content to `~/.xprofile`. ``` export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx" ```